Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award


Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award

Today was an interesting day.    I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger award.  When I started my blog,  I was just looking for a way to write the things I’ve always had swirling in my head.  At times, it’s amazing (and humbling) to think there are others in the world actually reading my posts.  When I read the tweet about the Versatile Blogger award, it made me so very happy that someone not only visited my site but also enjoyed what I had written.  It meant quite a bit to me.

I was nominated by a wonderful fellow blogger, Lee Cowan (Bella Inspired Grace), who can be found on twitter at @BellaInspired and on her fabulous blog at 

Her blog is inspired by Bella Boo, her absolutely adorable daughter. It’s filled with many great posts, including topics such as parenting, goal setting, journaling, marketing and she provides a great, positive spin on everything she writes about.  Her message is an inspiring one.  I suggest you check her out!

A huge shoutout and thanks to her for the Nomination!


I am incredibly honored to have been nominated for this award.

The rules for the versatile blogger award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3. Nominate bloggers for the award

Here are 7 things about myself:

1 – I have 2 super, amazing kids.  They are inspiring, bring us joy and make us proud.  Parenting is not an easy thing, but it is one of the most amazing things in my (our) life.

2 – I am a techie geek, but I’m pretty artsy too.  I’m really all over the place.  If you look at my blog posts, you may agree.

3 – I am tall and have big feet.  Not happy about that, but hey, that’s who I am. (5’11” & size 12).

4 – I have really crazy curly hair.  In case you didn’t know, there are different types of curly hair and mine is type 3C.  If you are interested, click here to see all the types.  Most days, this hair is a struggle, dealing with the knots and the poofy, frizzy, dry and crazy hair, but there are some days, however, that I am so happy to have these curls.

5 – I love road trips.  In fact, our whole family loves them and we take many of them.  You can often find us in last minute decisions to hit the road, destined to some fun location.

6 – I am a Pisces.

7 – I love baking and cooking.  Being in the kitchen is therapeutic to me.  Pass over the apron, it time to make some cookies!


Now, onto my nominations!

Weesi’s World

My Passion Projects

Next Step Happiness

Diary of a Spanglish girl

Weird Louise


Please visit these great bloggers and give some love.

Many Hugs,


About Victoria 60 Articles
Just a girl who loves Travel, Technology, Fashion, Cooking and enjoying all life has to offer.


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